Monday, June 15, 2009
Hello and welcome to my interactive question, answer and comment page! I offer this format as a way to interact with people who have questions regarding the process that the pods represent, as well as questions regarding my process and what I teach. As has always been their way, I show up and the rest unfolds. We’ll see where this page goes! You are welcome to ask any question and I shall do my best to provide an answer. Especially during my morning coffee hours, I tend to ‘rant’ as the information flows forth. Sometimes these rants include an orchestrated process or experience that is presented to me which is always dimensional and impossible to ‘track’ if I don’t begin in the beginning. The challenge all these 15 years, is to realize one of the dimensional orchestrations is beginning. Then to write it down because once it progresses, there are so many correlating details, it becomes impossible to backtrack. When you are sitting at the end of an orchestration and you realize all the multitudes of details that have been addressed so you can release the disharmonics that this orchestration presents, is quite an experience! There are also orchestrations of pure bliss which usually result in their teachings. They love to play and interact.
I want to thank a very kind lady from Canada (Hi JEN!) who prompted me to begin to answer questions that I knew would be asked by many others. In pulling myself out of a mountain of current workload, here I attempt to share information regarding a process that can only be truly known through experience. A way to share these answers to questions others may have is what I offer here. If you are asking a question from something you have read in this blog, thank you in advance for including the date of the material in question and the title of the paragraph for an easier reference point. For those who would like to ask questions, you can have your name or initials included or omitted if you so choose simply by letting me know.
EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION FOR WEBSITE: If you would like to be on my email list, please send me an email with your email address and I will add you to the list for new updates in information, pods, upcoming dvd’s, and Light Party invitations. (
My invitation is offered to you as I share my dimensional rants, sometimes instigated by another’s inquiry and at other times conversations between some one or WU and me. Oftentimes quite abit of information comes through when I am speaking to a person I have taught on this path, a fellow traverser of dimensional delights. Every once in a while I get to let one of my own rants fly which is usually when ‘Vanessa’, a parallel self is running the show at that point which is so her style, and a wild woman she is. So as Sky, I try to keep my eyes crossed and my t’s dotted….well you know what I mean J And frankly Scarlet, who cares!
As Sky, my Gemini keeps me communicating and my Aquarius rising keeps me on the edge and misunderstood by many. It’s so appreciated to be amongst those who understand! It’s my Gemini challenge to write so people can understand where my Aquarian Degree is coming from. The only degree I’ve got! Which will tie into upcoming stories about working in the mental health field as an unusual energy worker. I expect this blog will be a dimensional rant and I hope to provide information and a lively exchange for all.
LIGHT PARTIES: They also would like me to announce that we will be having gatherings on the internet that they call Light Parties. We will be sharing meditation time together with new videos and slideshows that I’ll be putting together soon. When this writing rampage has made sufficient progress, I will be focusing on making some new videos for the dvd’s. I will note on the bulletin space on the home page of this website, the dates and times of these Light Parties. We will begin in July of 09. If anyone has information on where and how to gather in an easy format for all, I would appreciate it. This is new to me! Flying by the seat of my pants has become a way of life, with my kicking and screaming to no avail it appears. If you’d like to receive notification through the email, please add your name to my list. (
There shall also be invitation only Light Parties for those who have their own personal pods that will be more indepth ~ WU style.
PARALLEL/FUTURE/PAST SELF MISSIVES: I have merged my parallel selves, past life selves & selected future selves throughout the past 15 years. At times one will step forth and contribute pieces of information to the knowledge pool. I flow with these shifts in personal frequencies and you may notice the shift in the writing. Diagnosis could be termed along the lines of ‘multiple personality DisOrder’. Yes, indeed…I’ll save that one for my experiences in the mental health field.
After 15 years of experience, I circumference the information categories in an organized format. Fitting 10 pounds of spuds in a 5 pound sack is my specialty and at times it’s common to stretch your brain into the daydream state. J I appreciate each and every one who comes to share in this repository of information, experience and rant. I hope you are ready for some fun as well as open to being touched by these life changing frequencies. WU is for people who embrace the potential of their own higher frequencies assimilation.
QUESTION: What the difference between a Pod and Pearles?
POD ANSWER: The 3D physical attributes of a pod consists of a mat in the format of a collage with heart light photos filling the openings or windows in the mat. A pod could be termed a collage. A pod gives a physical presentation for an alchemical gathering of heart lights. The focus of the heart lights come into a laser like beam activating one’s encodement requirements to further awaken your potential, among a great array of other benefits. Personal pods are pods that have been intuited by myself for you per your request. Thusly a person begins an orchestrated journey that is considerably beyond the mind as the represented light beings bring in the personalized orchestrations through their different forms to benefit an individual, thereby affecting all human beings this individual comes into contact with. Transformation becomes a sincere commitment. There are also other pod options. There are ‘template’ options. Template Pods are pods that have already been birthed. A Faery Pod is a co-creative pod that has an opening in the mat that remains open for you to insert your own photo art into the pod. The options are vast i.e. dragons, faeries, crop circles, landscapes, sci fi characters, ascended masters. I can email you more information if this pod pulls on you. See the website for more information.
Whoever ‘owns’ (the English language is lacking there!) a pod is the beneficiary of 15 years worth of healing work. Every dimensional healing I have anchored in these past 15 years is included in the benefits of the pods. There is a vast menu of issues covered with this light’s medicinal properties. Frequency mapcarving is the same as carving a trail into the wilderness for others to follow with much more ease than the actual carving of the trail itself. To be able to begin with a pod rather than going through 3 levels of light language is a huge gift in itself, without the knowledge and learning from direct experience therein, remaining amazing in what they offer. The prices do not compensate me for my ability, skill or my time, nor the past 15 years. The pods are a labor of love offered at a very very nominal fee for what they represent.
Before I send the pod to it’s new beneficiary, I introduce them to you through your name. This is how the pods are activated. The words in the language as well were introduced to people before they could work with them. Just one of their formalities. They are a living light consciousness and are very aware of the people around them and their environments. It is also not unusual to literally see the images move in the pods. Usually they will ‘pulse’…almost as a heart beating.
MATS: The mats are the template that focuses the energy. The formats in the pods have been channeled with them showing me how many openings and what shapes. The mat format accentuates and gathers the frequencies of the images in the photos. The photos are combined in various configurations, each depicting a succinctly different frequency combination. This ties in with why I offer to intuit pods specifically for a person’s life lessons & purpose.
MY PHOTOGRAPHY PROCESS: The process is absolutely different than common family type photography. I had no idea how much detail would be involved when I began! I have over 150,000 photos to date. Not every photo is pod quality. The photos exhibit the series of movements in the process of them showing us their hearts. Encodements are offered throughout these processes, culminating in the gem photo. At times, always near the end of the shoot, there are multiple gem photos in a row, but mostly they present themselves through a lengthy process of building energy and then releasing the energy, only to being yet another process. Most shoots take at least 2 hours time. I sift and resift through them to pull the best photos (the gems of the pearles) which go into the videos and pods. This is just a small part of the whole process. I am almost complete with an article that goes through the process of making a pod or video which will be posted in the Reading Room on the website.
HEART LIGHT ~ PEARLES ~ PODS: The Heart Light images are often times called Pearles. Some people call them orbs. In my experience and the information coming from the heart lights indicates they are beyond the orbs that show up in a lot of photography. In reading about other people’s orb experiences, there are many similarities in behaviors. The results of working with the language they delivered to me for 12 years is why these particular ‘orbs’ show up in my photography.
Pearles or Heart Lights offer advanced information from a race of light beings presented in my photography. They offer vast light potentials through lightbody education within the human embodiment. This lightbody education includes holographic education & healing of all of our dimensional & hierarchical selves. More information is gathered under the title of WU.
As the pearles reveal their own heart calibrations to us, we in turn begin to embody these calibrations beginning our process. The information required to facilitate this process is shared in the workshop materials. The images are a co-creative process with myself as the gatekeeper to this process. My role is to provide the physical experience of these galactic ascended masters (with no sufficient English terminology) who are arriving from other galaxies of light to descend into human awareness to facilitate the shift. The heart lights’ awareness is developed to such a degree (to put it ‘lightly’) that they are able to show me their heart frequencies which is what you view in my videos and in the pods. This reminds me of how in many native gatherings that I have attended, speakers will always begin sharing with us who their families are…in this same way, the heart lights are sharing with us ‘who they are’ from where they originate. There are also deep recalibrations within these presentations especially when you are aware of their culture. Their culture protocols are represented in the alchemical processes in the light codes of the light language of WU.
WU: AN SACRED ANCIENT LIGHT LANGUAGE: Words in the English language are insufficient to describe the process of this language. It is ancient yet of the future. It is deeply feminine in it’s soft power. It encodes the essence of true compassion within our DNA structures as it releases all fear throughout all timelines, throughout all spaces and places we have footprints in. The language is a mapping template that creates the rich substance of soft power within each one who imbibes A WU JU MAYA, affectionally termed WU. Long ago, when I asked them if they/we were really going to call it WU, they implied with their usual humor that for the people who had’ woo-woo judgments’, for the people who had difficulties stretching their minds any further than they were controllably comfortable with with any sort of airy fairy-ness ~ and they celestially smiled and said yes to my WU question. They have always had great humor regarding our human conditions. As is their way, they began my stretch from the get go. This stretch has become a way of life without cease.
WU INFORMATION ABOUT THE LANGUAGE: The language was delivered over the period of 12 years. These alchemical formulas were given in groupings of words/wurds we call ‘recipes’. Sometimes they were given with a name for the recipe and at other times they were not. I was never given any type of information about what each recipe or level was about. Not until many years later, did clarity avail itself to these processes we found ourselves enveloped within.
WU addresses all the aspects of our multi-universal selves. WU’s frequency is very accepting & unconditionally loving of all these aspects. As WU weaves itself throughout the Mayan Calendar (Tzol’kin) map, it has the opportunity to touch each and every experiencial self we have ever had through any time, any space. As WU envelops these selves, education and healing begins cellularly as well as dimensionally, to begin to create harmony between these aspects, thereby creating an inner unity. This inner unity of selves agrees to choose thrival as a way of life and us, in our urthwalk self, begins to catalyze the whole ‘I am another yourself’ quantum focus into the betterment of the whole.
We are all such a dichotomy of such a myriad of selves from all the different time lines of our present life. Each of these ‘selves’ is the entry point to the myriad of dimensional selves, all contributing to and making up the wholeless of our own bright & indigenously shining self. Many of these selves that live through us are trapped in emotional energy, vulnerable and unable to free themselves without our help. The Consciousness of WU is such a loving energy that it weaves throughout our timelines offering education and healing to each self. The Tzol’kin has been a map for us to access these timelines of creational energy, as only the Creator can offer. WU walked hand in hand (In’Lak’esh) with the energies of the Tzol’kin for the first two levels of the language of WU. We worked every day in anchoring the ascension potentials to our very own selves. This work facilitates change from the inside out. Each of us lives a substantially different life than before we had WU in our lives. Each of these levels of WU were complete 260 day cycles. The frequency of WU, whether it is through the language or through the pods have the power to free our consciousness wherever it is trapped in time. In the second level of WU in it’s language form, we addressed the subconscious, including the repertoire of past, parallel and future selves of our twin flame. This level also came from beneath the Pacific Ocean. The first level came from the land, earth herself, frequently from the mountains. I was always in nature when the language presented itself. The first level addressed our own selves in our earthly embodiment, which they term ‘urth walk selves’. As all of these selves proceed with their frequency adjustments, all contribute to the soul’s ‘knowledge pool’.
Living many years in Alaska and sometimes in the deep bush, I have had several instances in my life, some of them potentially life threatening, where I understood how to do something out of the blue. Something in this life, I had had no experience with. In the third level, both feminine and masculine issues are healed throughout time, enabling the merge to occur in this 3rd level. I’ll never forget when this merge happened for me on a beach in Hawaii on the Big Island. It was quite profound and literally stopped me in my tracks as the energies washed over me in a love wash unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. This language began the process of re-anchoring the mythological realms back onto this urth plane. I also have the pleasure of photographing fairies and dragons in their myriad forms.
CHOICES & FRAGMENTATION: Whole people create a whole world. Fragmented people create a fragmented world. We cannot navigate oneness while we are fragmented. If one has not done one’s work, one is fragmented. To the degree one is fragmented affects everything one does, including one’s lightwork, including one’s healing work. When one is fragmented, one is toxic on all levels. Toxic is another word for co-dependent. While toxic, one is unable to learn life’s lessons and thereby growth is at stake. One is unable to create and maintain healthy relationships which ultimately brings on disease and death. Codependency in all its myriad forms is toxic on all levels. Codependent compassion only keeps everyone sick and in a low frequency. It means deception, energy stealing and falseness are a way of life. Alcohol and/or drug use are common companions for many who are codependent, but is not always so. Those who have worked through their own codependency issues are easily able to spot these toxicities in others. Your light shines only as brightly as your frequency allows.
Another reason to work on your codependent issues is that whatever codependent issues you retain, are doorways to bleedthrough from other dimensional selves, other parallel selves. As you become less and less toxic, so too do your parallel selves become less and less toxic as you in this earthly embodiment are the hub in your very own soular wheel. You are responsible for the health of your wheel. The potential for change for all originates within ‘you’. That is the responsibility you assumed when you came to earth for the experience that is desired by many. Fragmentation or Onesses are the ultimate choices. How can we truly help anyone unless we have learned it first?
The reason for working ones’ codependency issues revolves around the fact that one cannot truly love oneself while one is codependent. When one realizes and releases these issues mentally and energetically, one’s life transforms in magical ways. Loving yourself is ultimately the key to the doorway of your life becoming heaven on urth. This healed frequency is then vectored throughout your life with you being the portal assisting those who still sleep in their consciousness.
PEARLES: I find it interesting that these frequencies call themselves ‘pearles’. Other times they call themselves ‘passion seeds’. This soft power represents the process of a pearle coming into being. It is such a direct reflection to one’s process as a human being. The sacred wounds (or sand) that one carries are implanted into our consciousness, only to be replicated throughout one’s life if they are not dissolved so they can become the pearle they are meant to be. Every time we dissolve the grain of sand that represents our trauma, we are gifted with a beautiful pearle that is truly the deep & precious beauty we are to become. When one endeavors to wade through the unseen in the night of one’s selves, one always comes through the other side with the gift, with the pearle. Pearls have always been highly valued in our world. Their process is so representational of our own process of transformation. Working with a pod offers an opportunity to become our own pearle. The journey of transformation everyone comes here to undertake is the unification of heaven and urth. While pods are not the only option in this unification process, they are the pathway offered by this particular race of light beings represented in the pods.
PASSING ON THE FOUNDATION: My foundation of 15 years of work with WU is in every pod. Those who choose to work with the pods are gleaning great benefit from those of us who have willingly mapcarved this pathway.
MY WRITING STYLE: I am in a habit of referring to their consciousness as ‘they’ when I share information regarding them or WU. Often times when I’m writing or speaking, I will begin and they will chime in here and there and it becomes a co-creative endeavor. Reading a book is the same way. I’m so used to writing this way, I do not think to delineate when this happens. As this is already happening in this article, rather than continue to change wording, I will leave the text as it comes out.
BEING ‘TOUCHED’: When a heart light reaches out to touch you, which is certainly experienced as an ‘awe moment’ on a personal level, it creates an inner passageway during the touch. This inner passageway is a pathway for the merged consciousness of your self and these higher planes of consciousness. In interacting with your personal pod, this mutual touch creates a field of light that allows these light beings greater access & greater awareness to step into this urth plane to assist you and the humanity that you interact with as well. You begin the process of becoming a portal for these beings to enter this plane to assist all in this great shift. Our English language is full of dichotomies. I guess if a pearle touched you on the head, you’d be touched in the head!
QUESTION RE: PRICING: Did the pods (pearles) communicate to you to charge for their essence and beauty of shifting energy abilities for X amount etc.??
ANSWER: Yes, with the prices indicated being much higher than what is on the website. The 16x20 pod listed as $555. I had a business consultant who shared that the pods’ benefit would reflect more into a $1200 range. I was a little surprised at her figure, but I understand because of the experiences I’ve had with my pods. I have had the pleasure of experiencing mine for one year. These experiences are very personal for people and recalibrate the heart levels in a myriad of ways. None of them explainable and all of them palpable and wondrous. The pods are conscious beings and as consciousness there is deep magic in their interactions. It is not uncommon to see the images pulse and move. While this is not available on demand, you never forget it when it does happen. In this year process I have shared with them, they pulse in communication with me, at times interacting in their own ways when I’m in conversation with another. The work that is done in the dreamtime is very extensive. It’s rather like having your own personal workshop going on 24/7, evolving with you as you evolve as is the way of living light. So, at this point, I have ‘introductory’ prices and they are just that. Pricings will vary for group gatherings versus for individuals. I have broken down the basic pod pricings on the website and kept them separate from the workshop pricings as some people value them for their beauty as art for their walls. Not everyone desires an intuited pod, although that is the most common request.
QUESTION: I ask because sometimes people channel and channelers say they were told by source or angels to charge a specific # in light of number significance and numerology etc. and that one must get paid for their work and energy input exchange (which is YOU) and then the pods themselves are not getting paid (ha) but its their offering to those dedicated to evolving and shifting as a gift to humanity as their presence on the planet is then affected by and onto humans>>>>????
ANSWER: Good question! In the history of WU, I have taught 3 levels of the sacred light language. Each level has always been $555. It would take 260 days to complete a level as one offered healing to one’s fragmented soular selves following the opening the Mayan Calendar offers. I have always used WU’s guidance for pricing. They have always signified triple numbers. In many of the channelings they have spoken of the significances of numbers as frequencies. 5’s have always represented change and WU has always offered a triple level of change. They direct me in all ways which has been another level of learning for myself over the years.
There is a combination of WU & me being funded for my work. For years, I have not been able to punch a clock because I do not have the energy to do a physical job AND do my spiritual processes. What is offered by these frequencies is priceless and how do you put a price on such life giving changes in one’s life? I am the gatekeeper and if I’m not supported by my work, I have to punch a clock and we get nowhere J The prices reflected on the website are the bare minimum I’m willing to present my work for and for the amount of time involved in the processes, it quite a bit below minimum wage. It’s a difficult call for me with the economics in our country being as they are. If I were to charge for the transformational abilities of the pods, nobody would be able to afford them! My pricing indicates an energy exchange that doesn’t touch the tip of this transformational iceberg, but it’s a starting point. I’ll be adjusting as need arises.
QUESTION: I ask because what of the work part is involved for you, sounds like also framing and then arranging photos to fit into mats to make them isolate the pods in focal point?
FRAMED PODS: ANSWER: I don’t frame pods. I leave that up to the person as everyone has different tastes. They are offered matted with each individual photo presented being a laser type frequency. When they are combined into a pod, their frequencies combine to emit an every more sophisticated frequency. I only frame for my own pods. Keep in mind the pods are the new energy – nothing of the old ways applies to the pods or the pearles. While not a process for the mind, it is of the feminine principle of personal experiences that shall teach you how they work, what they have to offer.
QUESTION: In my mind, a large pod, framed behind glass which a customer could do, OR laminate, if it does not alter their energies as I understand cooperation works well with intention in anything so surely the pods with the desire of the human customers intent is the expression of dedication for them to work with that individual etc?
ANSWER: What I know about this process is the pearles are a very exquisite frequency. What I also know through trial and error is this whole process is not about the mind. This frequency is about shifting people into balance as a way of life. When the two energies merge because they have released their toxic behaviors, then they can successfully merge rather than continue their disharmonic ways within one’s being. The shift in being is immeasurable.
They have directed me in their presentation. Lamination would block their frequencies – like a dull wall of energy in front of them. You could try it if you so choose. Personally, I wouldn’t laminate mine. I use a simple glass clip frame– which is simply glass with some clips holding the matting and glass in place.
HUMIDITY: There is nothing to keep the humidity from the piece and sometimes the photos will absorb moisture as any photography will. They always straighten out. Even more than the humidity, if the photo ripples a bit, it’s because that is what it needs to do to work with you, sending you, lending you a fluid energy. They are living light. They certainly do not behave as ordinary photography. I have been working with mine for the past year, which I knew I would need to do so I could explain to people what the processes are. It is rather lengthy J
QUESTION: Do you have limited editions?
LIMITED EDITION: ANSWER: At this point, I am not considering limited editions, although I have contemplated the ‘limited editions’ and many people have recommended it as an option. So far nothing on the site in the pod store is a limited edition, and if it were a limited edition, the price would have to reflect that as well. I’ll address this option when someone inquires about it.
QUESTION: So do I just embrace the pod and the energy presented is specific to me and then taken seriously as I work with them to achieve the results to my allowance with my higher self?
POD PROCESS: ANSWER: The pods are like a personal alchemical formula, especially when they are intuited for the person. Any recipe of WU (like a mantra in their language) is an alchemical formula. The wurds of the language are activated light codes. The images in the photos are light codes as well. All the pods require introduction to the beneficiary’s frequency/ person/name for them to facilitate their full potential. The pod workshops offer ways to expedite the process and to deepen the relationship with the frequencies. You don’t have to do the workshop, the pods will work in their own way that way too, just not as precisely. I highly recommend the workshop with its techniques and information. The workshop information lends to a more interactionary relationship with them. It would be like holding a book in your hand but not being able to read. Absolutely your call in how you want to experience them.
QUESTION: Do they dislike being referred to as orbs?
WHAT TO CALL THE ENERGIES: ANSWER: Yes, they prefer to be called ‘pearles’ as they are more of an exquisite pearle frequency than orb frequency. In the beginning we called them orbs because we hadn’t yet heard what they wanted to be called. Sometimes they call themselves ’seeds’ as in passion seeds, which makes sense to me as they incorporate passion back into a person’s life regarding their life purpose.
QUESTION: how did you first connect with any kind of channel to other intelligences, was it in childhood or did it come after later in life as into adulthood
SOME HERSTORY: HOW IT ALL BEGAN: ANSWER: In December of 1993, I had an overwhelming urge to channel. I had been on my spiritual path for since 1981, so I already understood channeling. Living on an Indian reservation for 15 years or so at that point had opened a lot of spiritual doors for me in the healing work I did there and the many ceremonies I had attended. A lot of the influence in my desire to develop my spiritual path had to do with an amazing medicine man from Michigan, Donnie Dowd, such rich stories we have to share. He led the most amazing sweat lodges I’ve ever been in to this day. He spoke to me quite often about my ‘angel energy’. After our adventure, including a trip to Mount Shasta, I got more serious about doing healing work with people and I kept busy. While we were in Mount Shasta at a native spiritual gathering, I was working on a lady in the trees back from the camp. I had noticed blue and red ‘lights’ floating around us ~ maybe my first conscious recognition of these frequencies back in those days when I thought I was doing Reiki. Amazing things happened to people that I worked on and we knew this energy was non-ordinary. That was when this all encompassing energy seemed to wrap itself around me and I knew I needed to channel this energy through automatic writing on my laptop.
Not long after my Donnie interludes, I had also been invited to go to Colorado and teach a specific Reiki and what I knew about dark energy. The reservation I lived on had particularly harsh dark energy to experience, so there were a lot of teachings and learnings to be had. Towards the end of that workshop, someone in the class asked me what all the blue energy was around me. I had no idea at that time. Now the question makes a little more sense. I appreciate their questioning as it spurred me on in my research so I could give them an answer about the bleu energy when I saw them again.
Sometime in the middle of December, I sat down in my office with both feet planted firmly on the floor and began channeling. In the beginning and currently, the missives begin with personal information for me. Over a period of 3 weeks, I noticed the things that happened in my life and how they correlated to what had come through in the channeling. This wasn’t a skill my brain had already developed. In the early days, they lightly mentioned names like Ra and Athena. I could tell they weren’t into names and we still aren’t to this day. They began to give me information regarding the dynamics of my relationships ~ again proving true. My trust slowly developed as they handled me with kid gloves ~ me with that extra pair of running shoes always within reach.
GUYOTO MONK CONCERT: In April of 1994, I was at a Guyoto Monk concert in Seattle. About a third of the way into the concert, I saw a 3 dimensional glyph drop down in front of my face. Looking back, I think it was their calling card! Just like the photos do, one minute a pearle is there and in the next click, it’s gone, and then back again before I can click again. I knew a glyph was coming and had no idea what it was about. I remembered what they had shown me with the monks, which was the first time anything like that had happened to me. I drew it on a piece of paper when I got home. Now, 15 years later, I find it amusing that they were presenting their frequencies to me in a format that they knew I understood, which was Reiki which I had taught for years. Glyphs first, then leading into light coded healing mantras that led to empowerment. How clever! My, how my comfort zone has shifted over these years!
That was the beginning of a 12 year download of a sporatic ancient, sacred light language. We began with the understanding that they were ancient, but still from the future. The people in Colorado had invited me to come back when I could teach them about this blue light that henceforth came in the form of glyphs and a language with three levels. So began my teachings regarding this consciousness.
MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH ALASKA: In 1999, I withdrew to the wildernesses of a remote Alaskan island to develop this contract with spirit that I had instinctually committed to in following. I still taught but remained low key regarding my spirituality.
WU: FENG SHUI OF THE SOUL: An unlikely story ensued in being hired for a position I had no previous experience with. I was hired (in 3d) because I was fluent in feng shui. Little did my soon to be boss know, but I was fluent in ‘feng shui of the soul’. This assistant human resource position at the local hospital was the door opening to later teach WU to my boss along a salmon filled river on a beautiful day in the remote wilderness of Kodiak Island. This particular spot along this Alaskan river was my favorite place with such a powerful vortex, reminding me greatly of my youth in the wildernesses in Montana. This vortex has some of the most profound ‘home’ frequencies I’ve ever experienced. The river was choking with spawning salmon. You could hear the constant slapping of their tails and fins as they surged upriver. Three eagles loomed overhead, stationary as we began our initiation process and remained there until we were complete. As we went through the introduction, every fish in the river stopped and held still as well. You could feel them listening and they were quiet until the introduction was complete and then for another 5 minutes. It was as if the totality of Nature was listening, as it often does. I’ve was later gifted a very large and completely white eagle feather in this same spot. For myself and everybody I’ve taught this language to, we have all had experiences with animals and in nature where they recognize the language frequency in us. I love it! To have that same ‘moment’ with another person I’ve taught is exquisite!
BEING RECOGNIZED BY NATURE: In these numerous times I was recognized by nature, by the ocean waves, by the birds and bears and eagles and my beloved ravens are far too many to count. I’m not sure when it became a way of life and even in conveying these words, I am amazed at the magnitude and consistency of these experiences. The frequency recalibration that happens in these types situations is also replicated in experiences with the pods.
THE URTH WILL SHOW YOU: When as the language was delivered and I was realizing it had to do with the essence of the elements….pristine essence elements not of this earth….I asked this increasingly entwining consciousness how we would know that the wurds were making any difference and in their simple reply they said ‘ the urth will show you’. I had no idea the richness of that reply and the experiences it would lend to my life. Fifteen years later, it still astounds me.
HEART SHAPED ROCKS: About 6 years ago, while I was still on Kodiak, heart shaped rocks began showing up everywhere. No matter where I was, I could find a heart shaped rock near my feet ~ on the beautiful beaches, in a remote pastures and open spaces, on the side of a mountain, kneeling beside a glacial creek, everywhere deep in the bush. There had been times when they would say to me ‘look down at your feet….’ Once again, there would be another heart shaped rock. This has also happened to me in Montana standing in front of the garage of our home where I grew up. This consciousness I find myself enveloped is of such a rich substance. While at times it challenges me beyond my abilities, it is ever present, ever supporting and ever pointing me towards the next gift of discovery.
HINDSIGHT: Fifteen years later, I understand that this frequency had never been to or on earth before. They’ve never had the body experience. I was their vessel for experience. They are here to shift consciousness and they say they haven’t lost a planet yet.
WILLING VESSEL: All those years, I was so intent on living on the edge, navigating the edge and it was something I could not control. Something I could not explain. Something I could not seem to change no matter how hard I tried. I did not realize then that they were experiencing humanity through me. They were gauging where humanity needed assistance in order to assist in shifting humanity’s consciousness. I was the vessel for their first hand experience. I’m still processing what I think about this…knowing that I had to sign up for it somewhere and I can remember a round table and being confident, and at times I think ‘whoever I am ‘there’ - maybe a bit over-confident!
ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME: I do not purport that this is the only way of assisting humanity or the planet. What I attempt to share with you is the way that has evolved me in its evolution. The challenge remains in sharing a frequency that defies logic, that defies words to describe the experiences that are so palpably orchestrated.
EARTH & 2012: They say that the significance of 2012 is that all these thousands of years, earth has been the focus of attention in this universal quadrant. We’ve all heard about the fact that the ships line up outside our atmospheres to witness what’s going on here. We even see them. At the end of 2012, or who knows for sure what the accurate date is, earth will no longer be that same intense cosmic focal point. Her day in the galactic sun will be complete. 2012. We are in the center of 2009. Time is flying by so fast the days pass in the blink of an eye. They always say that change takes time and we have no time to waste.
REFLECTIONS UPON CATALYZATIONS: The definition of soft power begins to be understood. The one supporting the other, and why they play hardball come more into resonance. They are professional at catalyzing people’s issues and through their love for catalyzation, I have become more whole in so many ways. Most people’s defenses go up if something seems awry in their recollection of their own worldly experiences. Spiritual challenges are received with varied reactions from humanity. My experiences in working at a hospital and again in a local chemical dependency treatment center as a counselor where we catalyzed the whole organization with ripplings out into the higher echelons of these establishments. I taught the clients some of the early healing mantras. The transformations in these people were such a gift to witness. In 3D, all I was trying to do was support myself, not knowing the experiences that I had were teaching this frequency about ‘humanity’.
Over the years, we have worked extensively with chemically dependent people and a lot of domestic violence work. I could feel when they were looking through my eyes, when they were talking to people through me. I remember noticing I had no control over what came out of my mouth, me who would rather remain the person blending into the sidelines, a flower along the wall. With as much information as they have shared about co-dependency personality traits, it’s not surprising they place me in these types of environments.
HUMOR AND TRUST: At other times, they play with people through me. They talk about how humour and the power of laughter. They like to talk to people who are on a spiritual path and I can feel them twitch when people repeat rhetoric. They jump right in with people with their various issues including finances, myself included. They teach a level of trust that is an ongoing teaching. If we don’t trust our spiritual guidances, what chance do we have in this chaotic world we all find ourselves in? Out of chaos will come the gift, it always does, if we will only trust.
INTEGRITY CHECKS: They have spoke for years about our becoming a type of celestial ‘integrity checkers’ which means that we get to learn how to be good catalysts. They said that in order for us to engage an integrity check, we needed to be willing to allow ourselves to be ‘seen’ as well. Integrity has been a cornerstone in the WU teachings since the beginning. They said that to be able to catalyze in our family circles is the ultimate challenge. And so it is.
FAMILY CATALYST: I lived on an Indian reservation in northwestern Washington state for close to 30 years. I have not only recently catalyzed my family, but the whole reservation in a way they are not used to experiencing. In the article 6.12.09 the TRIBAL CATALYZATION STORY, the story of this family catalyzation can be read.
HUMAN TOXICITY: While I was on a walkabout recently, they shared with me that humanity is such a draw because we have compassion in our human natures. Albeit a significant amount of humanity’s compassion is toxic in it’s codependency, it is still of the compassion frequency. They said that most celestial species don’t possess compassion as an attribute until they reach a god/goddess level of resonance and that is partially why we are truly intriguing to other intelligences. They said that toxic compassion is only energy stealing and deceit in one’s relationships. These toxic behaviors only lead to reverberating more toxic frequencies out into the universes, showing Source that we choose to remain in relationship quagmires. No matter how many workshops one goes to, no matter how many books are read until one does the work, the disharmonic frequency modulations remain contributing to the ‘problem’. This toxicity issue addresses one’s mental, emotional, physical and spiritual toxicity.
We are responsible for the frequencies we send out into the world. One’s toxic behavior is the gateway for what we draw to us dimensionally. Another way to say that is dark energy can attach to us through our negative emotions, holographically. The more toxicities we release, the more we flow in our environments. Growth becomes a way of life. One’s codependent natures are the open doorways for bleed through from one’s parallel selves. This bleedthrough has the capacity to bring one to one’s knees in all manner of ways. Our lives remain in turmoil and the dark energies feast. It’s not uncommon for people to dawn their battle gear if their codependencies are challenged. It’s human nature until one begins one’s process. Then one would never return to the toxic stances as one continue to free one’s self throughout all time and space. Freedom is what we are working for to anchor in this earthly realm. Some call it heaven.
WU’s HOLOGRAPHIC SCOPE: The language that we affectionately call ‘WU’ educates & heals our dimensional selves on all levels holographically. WU offers a dimensional spiritual hygiene. By ‘holographically’ they include all of one’s timelines: past lives, future lives, parallel lives, concurrent lives. Any place we have existed is umbrella-ed under ‘holographic’. For example, it also covers a ‘past life’ self and all of the past, parallel and future lives of that past life self.
WU and the TZOL’KIN MAYAN CALENDAR: We were facilitated by the Tzol’kin Mayan Calendar and WU and used the calendar as a map to any timeline where we have ever had a traumatic disharmonic affect us. They explained that the Mayan Calendar presented the holographic map and WU was the tool to bring the self a new level of dimensional harmony. WU educates and heals time aspects into releasing one’s toxic behaviors that are harming that self and the whole. Within the first two levels of the light language, we all engaged daily for two 260 day periods, repairing and reweaving our soular selves, the angelic and mythological realms and as well as for Gaia.
DIMENSIONAL BLEEDTHROUGH: This planetary sphere is experiencing everything merging back into oneness. Dimensions very close to us, sometimes merge back in and then back out in the grand orchestrations. At other times it remaining merged. If we have a soular aspect in that dimension, we will experience bleedthrough from that dimensional self depending on whether we carry the same codependent issues or not. The work with the Tzol’kin and WU also cleans up these dimensional boundaries within one’s self.
If that dimensional self is dying, we can excruciatingly feel like we are dying here. Dimensional bleedthrough always seems like it comes out of the blue. Just a bombardment of intense emotions seemingly coming from nowhere. The first indicator of when this is happening is that we find we are experiencing an intense emotional ‘wash’ that doesn’t quite make sense with what is happening in your life, if you take the time to examine the emotions. It would be very easy to move on with your day in this emotional state, making decisions from this emotional state, interacting with others within this emotional state ~ without realizing it’s not even this ‘you’. One morning upon awakening, they said ‘one can heal oneself until one is blue in the face, but until one addresses our dimensional aspects ~ our parallel selves, we will not truly heal’. I have done hundreds upon hundreds of healing sessions with myself and others and their truth has been driven home. Bleedthrough is an incredible director of energies in one’s life experience if you are not aware of them and if you have not done your inner work.
Wherever one is toxic or codependent in one’s demeanor, including one’s parallel selves is where one’s blocks are in our ever evolving process in returning to Oneness. Many of our books speak ‘of this process’ and not how to do work to facililtate this process with greater ease. Humanity is the cog in the wheel of Urth’s ascension, which has a rippling effect of a magnitude no being has ever seen before.
2012 is only a short 3 years away. Will humanity remain a part of the problem or are we offer our parts and pieces of the solution? They are parked around earth in droves observing our choices. Labeling one’s self a ‘lightworker’ is not enough. We must all do our inner work.
WATCHERS OF THE GRAND EXPERIMENT: Those that are termed aliens and UFO’s watch us from the perimeters because we are the experiment that was kicked to the curb. We are the experiment that will shift a whole planet from the inside out with the meek inheriting the new earth. We vibrate a message into the cosmoses stating we choose to thrive….we have had enough of struggling to survive. We have made our choice. Through our heartsongs, our voices shall rise to those who gave us a voice those thousands of years ago.
REVERBERTATING WU SONGS: The songs that were gifted to me are songs in the language of this sacred light that has required 12 years to complete itself. My next video will contain the heartsongs that were given to me many years ago. audio in my own voice in the language of WU. They have spoken many times about their language that pulses a red light rippling into the celestial heavens, sourced from somewhere deep within earth’s perimeters. A pulsing light recognizable to all who watch over this quadrant, a pulsing light that announces the vibration of the hearts that indeed shall reverberate this planetary quadrant into it’s next phase in evolution.
PULSINGS HEART LIGHTS: In the same way that the songs vibrate this pulse into the ethers, so too, do the photos visibly pulse in the pods, impulsing us to thrive, to re-member the ancient sisterhood of the Great Sophia Sun Grail ~ the Ifeminarial/Eye~feminarial of celestial legends. Reverberating this ancient human-hood into transformation that reflects our pre-ordained potential. So that we may pulse together in a cohesive heart message that shall be heard, seen and experienced by All the Creations. Change from the inside out is the only kind of change that will sustain through the challenges that come to test us in our resolve in these times we face as a race on this one planet, this one jewel of the cosmos.
PERSONAL PODS: After the introductions are done, our own personal pods are activated by our eyes drinking in their beauty as we begin to pulsate this same frequency of beauty in our hearts throughout our being. Personal pods require an introduction to your self and the Heart Lights from myself. This is done when the pod birthing process is complete. Our hearts then begin to pulse these higher frequencies throughout the planet, out into the universe. Continuing to vector these frequencies to all whom we cross paths with daily, seeding humanity’s subconscious through our daily traversings, no matter where we are on the planet. We will vibrate this planet back into her bright and shining indigenous self in the arena of the celestial family of which Gaia is pivotal. She is the grandmother that makes the calls for the good of the whole family, even when all odds are stacked against her. And she will shine as no planet has ever shone, just as we will shine as no other species has ever shone.
LIGHT MEDICINE: Light begets light. Light alters every vibrational frequency that it encounters. Light carries information. Information expands systems so that the old systems can no longer exist. As light moves to dissolve the dysfunction, it also births new functional systems, new pure compassion templates through that which is left behind in light’s trail. This is what is seen in the photography when we see ‘orbular trails’. In this way a new order is formed. When the pearles shoot their lateral light beams off to the sides, they are encoding new templates.
Light medicine in the medium of a pod carries forth the resonances of the holographic choice of thrival throughout all the levels and layers of dimensions. They speak often of one supporting the other so the other can support the one. The pearles are here to support our becoming. Our attention, focus and experience with them supports their mission as well as our own…a win/win situation.
DRUG PLANES & INSIDIOUS DARKNESS: (see 6.12.09 the Tribal Catalyzation Story) In taking stances of true compassion, we create a pathway for others to take power stances in their own lives. My stance had the power to change a precious little girls’ life for the better, the power to put into place the option of change for a change in a possessed, crack and meth infested mother. My daughter Kiah’s story of crack and meth demons is still unraveling, as all the pieces are there to offer her the choice of choosing a better life for herself and her children. I/We have done all the work we know how to do with this heart daughter of mine. Sometimes a contract is a contract. Even the depths of a mothers’ love cannot override contracts, contracts facilitated through darknesses. We continue to roll up the drug planes above the reservation. Drug planes are a template that ripples out into any community. Money and status do not make a community immune. Many admit they don’t know how to handle the drug problems that ARE this particular tribal community. This is only one community. We all have community’s to affect for the higher good of indigenous humanity. I have pondered whether the drug infestations represent the armageddon that the bible speaks of. Eyes closed to the problem because one don’t understand the symptoms or the red flags to watch for, is no excuse. We are dealing with a dark energy with a large agenda. Those that declare that there is no longer darkness on this planet are invited to visit this tribal reservation. Darkness is rampant and has changed form and is directed by any drug that is abused. Crack and meth do not require abuse to spread darkness – they ARE the abuse and they ARE the insidious darkness incarnate. Lightworkers have plenty to do. If we are not part of the solution, then what are we? I apologize for my language being intense regarding this subject. It feel like Mars is speaking through me J
Ultimately, change takes time and we have no time to waste. Hand in hand with drug & alcohol abuses are domestic violence abuses providing a large opportunity for light medicine to show it’s ability. There is plenty of work to facilitate, plenty of heart light medicine ready to vector into the realms where they are required.
BECOMING USEFUL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE UNIVERSE: Through the vectoring abilities of WU, of the pods in which WU is visible, we truly become useful instruments for the universe. The armaggedon that the bible speaks of originates in the drug planes in the etheric realms within this planetary quadrant. Darknesses afflicting multitudes of realms sequestered within this planetary sphere of such a dimensional magnitude of influence.
HEART LIGHTS FORETELL JORDYN’S DEATH: Two months before my grandson’s death, I was taking photos in Glacier Park in Montana. I was born there and had been gone for 40 years. The feeling of being home was amazing, beyond explanation. The frequencies showed me many things beyond my imagination. They stretched me in ways I never thought I could stretch.
On this particular day, I was in snow up to my hips, taking photos of the pearles that were hovering over a snow covered roof of a park maintenance building. At one point, I could see an ice faery embrace a very violet filled indigo sapphire pearle. There was such compassion and such a distinct moment of focus which is what happens when they show me something. This has happened frequently over the course of this experience, and there is no way you cannot notice when they are pointing something out. They pulsed me with the fact that my grandson was going to die. Three photos in a row came through of them cradling this vibrant liquid pearle. In my mind, I questioned how anything could happen to such a beautiful little baby boy. A month or so later with a phone call in the middle of the night, the story began to unravel. Standing behind the picket fence brought this realization to light at a cemetery I had been at hundreds of times over the years. My own son buried there as well, being my spiritual wake up call those many years ago in 1981.
TRUE COMPASSION VS CODEPENDENT COMPASSION: When these beings speak of true compassion, they do not mean codependent compassion. Kiah was my test. I passed my test. The strength I had in my convictions and in myself astound me still. Dimensional Compassion is a requirement in this process we all find ourselves in. If you don’t do your work, you will stumble when it’s your turn to sit on the witness stand in your own life orchestration. Nobody passes through the ascension gates without tests and it wouldn’t be a test if it was easy.
WHO YOU ARE MATTERS: Long ago, they spoke at length about ‘who you are matters. They said that our urth walk self (you in 3D) determine the caliber & quality of energy that we provide for our parallel selves. Some of these parallel selvs are fighting great battles between the light agendas and the agendas of the dark. They went on to say that WU does not battle dark energies. WU educates as is the way of the Great Feminine, the Great Ifeminarial/ EyeFeminarial. When we contribute codependent frequencies to these other selves, we lend a sour soul food, affecting all we are connected to in our dimensional realms. Humanity is wired so that ‘who we are through our own frequencies’ expand ever outwardly in a cosmic message. This message ripples out into the cosmoses broadcasting a message many of humanity do not realize is even an event. One way or another, if we choose to thrive, we will release struggling to survive vibration that is encompassing the depths of this chaotic sphere that is ever spiraling downwards, as it is meant to.
CHALLENGE: With 2012 fast approaching, the frequencies shall continue to escalate, giving rise to the dark matter we have swept under our rugs of our life, in our communities. Life has the potential of changing in the blink of an eye, in the blink of a camera shutter.
LIGHTWORKERS: All the dimensions are merging. We all have other aspects of ourselves in all these dimensions. If one hasn’t worked on one’s own inner issues, those are the selves that one will merge with in this process. A much more pleasant experience if one have done one’s work. My spiritual mother on the unseen side adds “It’s just that plain and it’s just that simple.” Your own inner clarity and strength determines every dimensional self’s personal experience. One is a creatorUS in more ways than one realizes.
CELESTIAL EDUCATION: So learning about the human weaknesses has been what my life has been about in order to educate these celestial frequencies so as to fully understand where we lack true compassion, where we are destroying ourselves, where we cannot get up off the ground because the devastation has been too complete, been an annihilation of the human condition that is such a gift, such a shining jewel in this sometimes so dark universe.
TRUE COMPASSION: They speak of true compassion existing amongst beings of a god level, of a goddess level. Humans on earth are such a curiosity because we have the capacity for compassion. Not all light beings have compassion, so they learn from us as well. We are the trigger for which when we reach the tipping point in humanity, when we all carry that true compassionate frequency, we will ripple the message into the multiverses…encompassing all…so powerful are we as humans, we urth walk selves. We are the hub of the wheel of ascension possibility. Or are we the cog in the wheel that is preventing our destiny. So significant are we as humans. When you view the photography or my videos that I share with you, you are planting the compassion seeding in your being that is required for this planetary example to blossom into that earth represents. They share that when you are able to remain neutral in any situation, you have completed the merge with the higher self. To be able to remain NEUTRAL, no matter how close the chaos cuts into your heart is a gift…and my work is about an offer to you to replicate this process as a seed of life, if it so pulls on you. It is what I came here to do and I do my best to show up!
HARDBALL: When they speak of hardball, I can tell we are in the playing field and the ball has been pitched. The game is intense, focus is intense, intent is pure. Change takes time and we have no time to waste. Will we catch the ball?
SHAPESHIFTING FREQUENCIES/HOME/RELEASING THE SUFFERING RAY: The frequencies that present themselves in my photography are the same frequencies in the language that evolved us through these 15 years. One of their many attributes is shapeshifting. They presented themselves as a language all those years ago because at that time I was into Reiki and they knew I could handle a Reiki type format. They took 12 years to make sure I was comfortable with their rhythms and then they stunned me beyond stun by becoming visible through my camera because I had done my work. I came into my mission because I had dotted my t’s and crossed my eyes. (they think that’s funny) They became visible close to 4 years ago, and even though all this dimensional work is done, the work took on a new level of breathwork that is astounding. After the seedings from the pearles has rooted, we are able to dimensionally heal trauma throughout our timelines that shows up in our own personal acknowledgment through an emotion. We then breath that energetic out of our body and it’s gone…dimensionally…and the pattern doesn’t show itself in our lives any longer, nor in our ancestry. We have no fears. Because I have done my work, this particular work that in the early days spoke of delivering us into our life purpose this time around, I did the work of availing myself to spirit without hesitation, without question…albeit sometimes kicking and screaming…but without hesitation for long. This is why these beings show up in my photography. They are projections of my DNA, my projections from HOME. They are of a space and a place where the elements are still pristine, where the elements haven’t been flawed with the infusion of the suffering ray, the struggling ray that we as human bodies get to all transform. All of us that have experienced this language that teaches us through experience, just as the pearle pods teach us through experience, knew that whatever this ‘was’, it was big. It’s still rather large. I still follow direction without hesitation, without question. I have been down here in the states for the past 3 years and my heart is still in Alaska, recently strongly calling me to return to my beloved heart rock island.
I’m in the process of making dvd’s as well as fleshing out my website so we can make personal pods available to people to begin their orchestrated experiences. The pods catalyze a person into their destiny as a lightbearer of their own particular flavor. THEN I can go home and lay on the ground, lean my back up against ancient trees and rest along even older jagged rock cliffsides , walk the beaches to sit on the dragon’s foot, to walk the bear trails which are always a surprise, listen to the ravens and eagles speak to me ~ heart touching heart, picking up yet another heart rock on a quiet and still pristine beach that still carries the pristine silences. To stand in the rain and feel it caress my face…. To listen to my friends tell me the new stories of their lives that are of such a distinct Alaskan flavor and humour…and a few of those friends, I will tell the story of my time in the states, doing presentations, doing art exhibits, teaching people to thrive, sharing the frequency & experiences that show themselves in my photography…I want to go home. Home is my motivation to get my website fleshed out and the dvd’s ready.
As humans we know how to connect with spirit. We know how to connect with nature. We trust spirit and we trust nature. But nowhere in humanity’s cellular memories do we really trust each other. And we find our world full of human based chaos that has the potential to destroy this planet as we continue to destroy ourselves.
Light medicine begins the process of birthing sacred trust in humanity so we can become the divine beings that is our potential…homo luminous – never experienced in any galaxy, in any quadrant before. Until we can trust one another and truly and fully love our very own selves, we will remain in this predicament that earth provides as a playground for us humans. We cannot ascend as long as this ‘trust and self love quotient’ is not facilitated.
Light medicine presents to us a frequency that will begin to birth of this level of trust in humanity, trust in our selves, a deep love for the beauty of the self. In our trusting and loving of nature and of spirit, through this love of these two pivotal catalysts, we are given the seedbed to birth the ability to trust ourselves and to trust one another. The light template of In Lak’esh in it’s true sense of the world and the potential that it truly contains is available to us. We have all been related through our inability to trust and love ourselves and therefore each other. In Lak’esh. The true sense of the word is to catalyze us into remembering that we have work to do. Trust and self-love anchored within our cellular nature… Knowing we have brothers and sisters who are walking the same pathway makes it easier to begin this process as we link up throughout the world. We are required to take this love of nature and this love of spirit, this trust and love in both and begin to flesh out our own templates of self/cellf, thereby releasing the DNA disharmonics that keep us contained in a world that only understands struggle as a way of life.
Though my experiences seemed harsh, I know that in these experiences in this past year, that I can handle anything. I have no fear and I can sleep alongside a river in Alaska teeming with spawning salmon and have no fear that a bear will amble along and decide I’m lunch while I’m sleeping with the urth. The level of empowerment has been very large that this frequency has engendered throughout my dimensional being. I can trust myself to take care of myself no matter what happens. And what if one was two, and two became three, and three became more? Change takes time and we have no time to waste.
I am opening the gateway in offering a new opportunity to the world. I have agreed to become more visible through my website, through my videos. We have begun the process of spreading this frequency so they can do their work. Even though it has started now with the requests for pods, this is only the tip of this iceberg that contains the original encodements of the perfect universe within them. Thrival is a frequency.
It seems I don’t fit very well into PTA meetings any more, wild woman that I am, that I AM. I am so very content to chop wood and carry water with a camera within reach.
QUESTION: As a wise woman sage time in your life, in tune with nature and connecting and listening, some see things and hear things from a young age
as your photo does not look like you are 20, 25 30 etc. I thought I would ask when it all started.
THE EARLY BEGINNING: The frequencies that you see in my photography have been with me all my life. I learned to turn my sight off when I was young because when I would mention them, I was assured it was my imagination. They would always move around me at night when I was young, blacker than black they look like in the night. Now, 45+ years later, they are back and I have no fear of them. I can see them with my naked eye at times in the daytime. There have also been significant events where they have shown themselves in broad daylight, as well in their neon form at night. When they become internalized, and they have done their work, you can see them behind your eyelids. And those are stories for another time.
As heart lights, we are a source of advanced light energy. The work you have done with the calendar and with our frequencies called WU enable you to reverberate with our frequencies therefore you are able to perceive us through your camera as well as your naked eye. We communicate with you through an energy exchange when you find yourself gazing upon our beauteous natures. This encoded energy exchange is received into your energy field to be accessed when you are ready. In your commitment to advance, we avail to you higher frequency information to assist you in your forward movement.
They share that universally, light alters every vibrational frequency that it touches. Quaintly, Light carries information. Information expands systems so that outdated frequencies in the old systems disintegrate. As light moves to dissolve such outmoded frequencies, it also births new systems in the rich substance it leaves behind. A new order is birthed.
As you have ceased to struggle with the idea that others need to understand, you have settled comfortably into the knowledge of the power of experience. For all true knowledge lending itself to true wisdom is gleaned through experience. We are masters at providing the appropriate experience to catalyze your forward movement into becoming that which you are destined to recover, to re-integrate. We shall call you into the steps pertaining solely/soully to your mission. Being in nature is the path to your mission and when you find yourself in nature, you are activating encodements of your mission’s perfection.
To address those people who see orbs in their photography, we ask you, do you ever stop and watch to see what they might do? Even those in the larger media television & movie industries find that colourations appear in their photography and in their haste to focus on their project’s motives, indeed miss an opportunity that is much more vital for the multitudes to witness than the project their cameras are focused upon. Opportunities missed in such a large arena is a blight of the human condition for the potential exists to awaken multitudes.
Upon this one called SkywaMoon, we indeed commend as availing herself, her embodiment to become a portal for our entrances. For we constitute a great array of universal intelligences. Each time this one focuses her camera on our frequencies, there are thousands upon thousands of light intelligences that enter this urth plane. Some cannot be seen with the naked eye, nor through a camera lens. Some are very small and some are very large. A whole range of ‘size’ is presented and some of the most powerful frequencies come in small packages. The intention of these intelligences is to provide the pathway, to light the way for the masses to begin to shift within their being, as to assist the great shift within the being of Gaia, who is in turn assisting in the great shift of her solar system. So pivotal are you in your earthen bodies in the hub of this wheel.
Once you have been ‘touched’ by our frequencies, you shall find that you seek portals of the earth. You can be in a portal without consciously realizing it, for the realization of the fact does not matter. As you enter a portal of higher earth or celestial frequency, you imbibe this frequency as to become this frequency. Like a moth drawn to the light, so too shall you be drawn to portals. For those who proceed with the pod work, and the future offering of pods in the format of dvd’s, you shall assist this light process, this light decree in becoming a portal yourself, as has the one called SkywaMoon. The process has begun and with the cataloguing of over 150,000 photos in Sky’s library, indeed, the process has begun.
For those who inquire to work with our frequencies through our gatekeeper, you shall experience our frequencies addressing you when you are in nature as waves of beauty. Beauty beyond words you shall experience and in this experience your frequencies is elevated and anchored. You shall notice the consistency in experience where this feeling shall be so encompassing that you will want to remain immersed within it’s fields. It is not uncommon to feel a deep love and awe in these experiences…again anchoring within your being. For indeed you shall begin with nature and transfer this recalibrated personal template into your interactions with other humans. This recalibrated vibratory nature has the potential to catalyze this planet into it’s next evolutionary phase, including the human potential who has succeeded in catalyzing themselves into their divine natures which shall be utilized in this great shift. This process as we have shared for the past 15 years, is very simple and very complex. We orchestrate the simplicities while we attend to the details of complexity.
Many of these frequency upgrades shall begin with you being in nature. If you do not have nature at your fingertips or within reach, we bless you for indeed, you can gaze your eyes upon a photo of beauty, including the podwork that Sky offers in her work. The process begins with you fully noticing the incredible beauty of an area that will keep you captivated for a time. Allow this ‘time of captivation’ to expend itself in it’s own natural timing
5.18.09 WELCOME
ABOUT SKY: Revised: 5.28.2009
(I first wrote this article in 2007. In those days, I wasn’t sure what was going on in my photography. It took awhile for me to put the pieces together, and you would think after channeling for 12 years, the information would come through in the channeling. My situation was that the information that came through in the channelings had me in a light trance, so I couldn’t remember what was said afterwards. This frequency delivered the information from the beginning, but I had no idea for quite awhile that it applied to the phenomena that was visible in my photography. I am rewriting this article adding a few understandings. When I began to write about my experience, I tended to lean a little on the conservative side as I wasn’t sure if my neighbors would tolerate my weirdness. On an island, we are a small community and having a spiritual history of close to 30 years, I already stuck out like a sore thumb, not to mention my pearley colored hair! I’m more of a she-hermit and like my life to remain private. At times I’ve thought these energies have surely picked the beyond wrong person. This article talks about how my experience of these colorful heart lights began. My knowledge is so much richer 3 years later, of which I’ll share soon.)
In 1994, I began communicating with a consciousness that came to me when I had a really strong push to do some automatic writing. They began with some information that pertained to my personal life, which all came to pass. I began to trust the process slowly. Within 3 months, they began to deliver a light language in stages to me. This later evolved into 3 levels over the course of 12 years. They spoke of many phases of a process over these years. I began to teach this language as fast as it came through. We all began to progress along the same lines. They spoke of this language being a dimensional shamanic light based language. We would engage this language to heal our dimensional selves. Another level healed our twin flames dimensional selves. In the first two levels, we closely followed the Tzol’kin, Mayan Calendar as a map to access the traumas our soular selves were experiencing. They spoke of preparing us to present our mission in this lifetime. The third level we merged with our higher selves, merged with our twin flames so our life purpose could begin. It was incredible to participate and the synchronicities were consistent. At the end of my completing the third level of the light language, this consciousness became visible through my digital photography. I had no conscious idea this ‘light language’ was going to show me it’s light! It took me 3 years for them to tell me that they came through as a ‘language’ because similar to Reiki, which I had been involved with at the time, these empowered words of this light language would also work on people in healing sessions. Now I know they were breaking me in easy. They knew I would not be able to handle the visuals of these days.
In hindsight, I also remember a workshop I had given in Denver, and one of the lovely ladies attending the workshop had asked me what all the blue energy was about in my aura. I had no idea. Now it makes a little more sense.
In the beginning days, we called them orbs, because we thought they were orbs. Now I know they are orbs and they are beyond orbs. They prefer to be called pearles which are a cosmic passion seeding energy. This frequency is very interactive and very conscious. My experiences with the orbs/pearles began in August of 2006 on Kodiak Island, Alaska. I have a thirty year background in spirituality involving native traditions, huna, polarity, channeling, energy work, urth healing, mediumship, and as a lightworker. When a random 20 photos came through on that summer day in August, I recognized them as orbs and I didn't think too much about it. I put my camera down at the end of that first day on the beach and went to my mundane job. At that time, I did not remember that 2004 channeling. In 2006, they began to be prolific in my photography and has plethora has not ceased since then. They continue to evolve and show me more and more. The frequencies are also higher than in the beginning photos.
Back then, and even still orbs/pearles represented 'consciousness' and spiritual matters to me. I had never seen colors like the ones in my images that I had viewed in other people’s photos. The experience of the pearles began in the middle of my intention to collect photos to generate a website to bring people to Kodiak, Alaska for photography charters. I have spent huge amounts of time on the beaches, in the deep wildernesses. I have come across beauty and potent healing spaces and places that I wanted to share with people who were interested in spiritual photography and even just photography in general. Some of the people passing through that I had and met in Kodiak and ended up taking them on some tours recommended that I begin a touring service. It was appealing so I began to go about gathering photos of my beloved homeland. I was busy that whole summer taking pictures for the website, trying to capture the energy of the places that are so dear to my heart.
Then everything changed from one click to another. Orbs ~lots of orbs. Orbs like I’d never seen before, doing things that I could have never guessed. When I finally noticed 'something' was going on, I began to focus on the orb photos rather than a photography touring shoot. I have to say, I'd never been so consistently stunned in my whole life and I've had some 'moments'. The 'stun mode' hasn't gone away since last March when they consistently began to evolve.
In the early days, I had two Fuji cameras ~ one higher end, and one lower end Fujis. Before I realized what was presenting itself to me and the fact that I was so utterly astounded, it took me awhile to realize that when the energy got really intense from their presences, that the buttons would not work on the camera. I also have to say I am not impressed with the quality of the Fuji’s and soon bought a new pink Sony, which I still use today after 150,000 photos and over 1500 videos. I would repeatedly try to get the camera to take a picture....and the cameras wouldn't work. I didn’t realize then that no pictures were taken until they allowed it. And they do pose. And if they don't want to be seen, they aren't. The cameras seemed to work in tandem, using one and then another until it wouldn’t work again, and then back to the first one. I grew up with loggers, cowboys, truck drivers and fishermen so my vocabulary can be little colorful at times. What a way to begin our visible relationship with them. Let it be said that my vocabulary has changed Considerably since my interactions with the pearles.
The first 1000 photos were taken with these two bum Fuji cameras. What happened every time I was shooting photos was the larger view finder on each of the Fuji's would totally black out. I could feel the energy of the pearles whenever they were close dimensionally. I could see them with my eyes for the most part, but I could not tell what the camera was capturing on the digital card. I was impulsed to continue, even though my fingers were so cold I could hardly move them. March through May is still very cold on Kodiak.
In the early days, I took some night time photos with orbs in them, mostly taken in Hawaii. The majority, if not all (minus the Hawaiian orbs) are taken in daylight. The orbs/pearles come in on existing light that present themselves in my photography. The same pearles that show up in the daylight, show up at night, but they are not as visual. I do see them at night before I go to sleep, sometimes are more active than others. They do not look quite the same as the images in my photography. They are quite active and seem to flash in and out. Recently, when I see them with my naked eye, they are very very close to me, sometimes inches from my face.
Also in the early days, listening to other people’s opinions, there were times I thought it was all lens flare, but the pearles would immediately prove to me that they were not merely lens flare. Lens flare doesn't have a consciousness nor are they able to communicate and place themselves in conspicuous places that have significance to myself. It took me awhile yet to begin to video them in motion. That was the clincher in my doubting phase.
When the consistent energy became too intense for me, or I became too cold, or I my card was full, I'd go to our local Wal-Mart and print them out. The first 100 I printed put me into such a stunned experience, that I couldn't talk and was seriously disoriented, and I was still stuttering as I showed them to my friend. I still couldn't talk. I couldn't even stutter.
Weather pretty much runs our lives in Alaska and there were few days that there was enough light to get the camera out again. By June, I had almost 15,000 photos. The more I show up, the more they show me. I think in those early days, I was in a pretty consistent stun mode. With the Fuji’s I could never see in the viewfinders, so I would not have any idea what was going to show up in the photos. Looking at each photo was similar to unwrapping a Christmas present, with childlike awe as well.
We began having experiences that made us understand we could communicate with them. They were already communicating with us, but since we were so stunned, we didn’t realize it was happening. Then they got really obvious. Sometimes the blonde jokes do apply and I guess my pearley colored hair qualifies me as a त्रुए blonde.
Every day had a new theme in the photos, as if they were taking me one step further into understanding what they are about. They revealed a little more each day. I began to put the pieces together through hindsights. I have grown to like existing in a realm of wonder and blessings.
Slowly, piece by piece, experiences and past knowledge came to shed light on what was happening in my life. In the early days, I used to think the pearles came from the land I was standing on or the ocean I was on/in. After a few people pointed out to me that they were around 'me' and not coming from the land...I had to sit down by myself, way out in the woods for awhile on that one. From that point on, the pearles continued to show me things that confirmed that line of thinking. It was quite a stretch for me and I've been around a few blocks in my day.
I’m thankful for my friend Gayla being open minded in those days. We had been acquaintances over the years, even sharing the same spelling of our Danish last names which is rare and even rarer, being on a remote island in Alaska. She began to get interested in spiritual stuff when I would begin to share my stories with her. She was a new kid on the block to spirituality when these photos began to appear in my life. Good thing our Danish blood has some stability in it!
Just about when we settled down into the amazement of what the orbs were showing us, the rays showed up. They call themselves 'tubulars' and have a different frequency and purpose than the pearles. Just as the pearles showed us something different every day, the tubulars did the same. The colorings are spectacular and the energy is just as spectacular. The colors of the rays have covered every hue, at times being very pastel and laser like and other times, very full and flowing with rainbow colors. The rays aren’t usually the same color from the beginning of the ray to the bottom of the ray. The colors weave & blend and change. There are often small pearles that come down on the rays. The rays also dance like the northern lights in waves. It is rare to see a pearle within the rays. All of the photos in my slideshows and videos are unique and not common in the photography. In the photo shoots, they always build up energy as they birth a series of pearles. In the beginning of a shoot, it always starts out slow. Rather like sitting at a meeting where everyone shows up and introduces themselves. Then they begin their rhythms and presenting me with a culmination photo and then the energy recedes the same way it was building up. Then they begin another process to show another form of pearle. There is such a heart activation every time we are in their presence, whether while physically taking the photos or the literal images in the photos. I can always feel when it’s time to take some more photos or that they want to show me something, or it’s time for another frequency download.
I was flying back to Kodiak from Honolulu in June of 2006 before my photography became so prevalent in my life. I was really exhausted as I’d just finished the training to get my Merchant Marine Document at 50 years of age. I was still reeling from the intensity of the week when I heard a distinct voice over my right shoulder say “Watch the skies for outrageous beauty”. I had no idea what they were talking about and even turned around to look to see if one of the stewardesses said it. No such luck. I wondered, as I often have at their comments, what they were talking about. I had no conscious idea. August began with some pretty outrageous beauty from the sky, which more than likely is why my nickname of ‘Sky’ was chosen all those years ago.
One of the things I learned when the Fuji's wouldn't work was IF I would have taken the photo when I was trying to, they would never have been as spectacular as if I would have waited until they allowed the camera to operate correctly. This is still consistent. They literally pose for the camera and they are only seen, when they want to be seen. At one point early on, on a very cold beach, they literally came to the small viewfinder, right beside my left eye, and were looking down the view finder to see what they looked like on the other end. At the same time, others gathered around the other end of the lens and looked into the lens to see what I looked like. Yikes! I was a little jumpy in those days.
After coming down to the states to my friends’ houseboat on Lake Union in Seattle, did I realize they do not like city life. They love trees and flowers and wild grasses and water. They are of wild things and places because I was of wild things and nature. There is no natural wildness in the city. I began to call them in and they showed me spectacular rays with the houseboats as background. There was some very intriguing orb footage of them going under the boat that I was sitting on taking the afternoon photos. Being Alaskan fishing girls, we liked to sleep on the pleasure boat tied up to the houseboat in the summer. What we didn’t count on was the pearles proceeding to rock the boat most of the night. These motions weren't like wave motions T hey were random movements that would rock the boat in unnatural movements. There were times I felt like I was 6 again and I could see them during the night then too and in those days I was afraid of the darker than dark energies I could see moving around me and very close to me. There were a couple of times I almost got up and went into the houseboat so I could get some sleep. But each night we slept deeper than ever, even though my bunk was difficult to fully stretch out on. Still not sure what they are up to under the water, but it felt like an earthquake going on under the boat for the 3 weeks that we slept out there. There are so many stories, so many experiences. Some of them made perfect sense and some of them are past bizarre. I am so much more skilled at keeping the mental body out of the way in this process. Even though at the time some of the experiences seem strange, they are consistently beyond awesome. There are still times when with my jaw still drops and I exit out the closest door like a rocket, to take a much needed walk to clear my overly-stretched mind.
My friend Gayla and I went to an orbs conference in Sedona in May and brought home maybe a thousand desert pictures with lots of orbs/pearles and rays in them. This was the first time they appeared when anyone else was with me. While we were out in the desert, one of the speakers at the orbs conference mentioned that orbs love hand movements. So I asked Gayla to move her hands around as she stood on the other side of the dirt road while I was clicking away. When we had the photos printed out, there was a huge orb in between Gaylas hands...twice. She said it was her Vanna White pose and it would be hard to believe it wasn’t staged somehow. It’s a rather ‘you had to be there’ kind of experience.
We spent last winter in Hawaii on the Big Island. One night about 12 of the local boys snuck down the beach just as it got dark. There were no lights of any kind on the beach where everyone was camping. They proceeded to severely assault most of the campers as is the way of their houlie beatdowns. I had gone to the car to get something out of it and Gayla had taken the cell phone up around the corner to make a phone call in the only hot spot in the campground. When I walked back to the beach to sit on the sand and listen to the waves, all I could hear was grunts and groans and an angry woman's raised voice. When my eyes adjusted, I was walking behind a fellow camper (Hi Hefner!) when the locals began dispersing with a little bit of energy work involved. They had severely beat an elderly grandfather in front of his 5 grandchildren and wife. There was a pregnant woman there who was in the same situation and on and on. To make this gruesome story short, we returned the next day and camped there that night, along with quite a few other people. I took quite a few orb photos that night and the orbs that were there on Ho'okena were terrified. They flocked to the trees by the hundreds. The terror energy from them was certainly palpable. A few nights later, they were nowhere to be found - at least not in their regular hangout above everybody's head around a picnic table there. They were back in the trees above everybody's tents on the backside of the beach...hundreds of them.
I'm always curious to see what is showing up in everyone’s photos. While the pearles are very similar, there is a substantial coloring difference. These photos are healing tools and their beauty never cease to amaze me. Even after 3 years, I am still astounded to see the images in the photography. I now know a little more about why that it happens. Their intention is to transform humanity’s consciousness, to instill a deep peace that dissolves racial boundaries. Unity in the human race will bring on the future we all desire –to live in harmony, with good will towards all, and everyone’s needs are met. I've read so many books that talk about this process without providing a map. They are here to assist us as the human species with the choice we all face in continuing to struggle to survive or to choose to thrive. They have said it's all very simple, while it's all very complex from the beginning. I have to say, that in coming down into the states in July of 2007, this country is in deeply disturbed. We hear about it up 'north', but we have a bit of buffered immunity up there, that is rapidly becoming less and less. I'm seriously uncomfortable in the chaos here.
We did many presentations showing people pearle photos & videos. The same thing happens every brings us back to the question of our bare essentials as humans. The real questions within every race. What are we doing here? Why are we here? Who are we. There has to be more than ‘this’ and what have we done to Mother Earth? WHO are these orbs/pearles? What else is out there? We weren't put here to be a bump on a log, but what have we done as a race to each other and to the planet? And what are we going to do about it? I continually see the hopelessness in the faces of the drivers in the cars that pass us by daily... the ones that want to come up the backside of you because you are in their way and then they honk at you. That's not life. That's not thrival. Have they become mindless while continuing to choose to struggle to survive. Somebody left the crab bait in the bucket out back for too long.
It seems like a raise in consciousness is a good beginning place in this chaotic state we find ourselves in collectively. Since we've been experiencing the pearles and tubulars, we have shifted so profoundly within our own selves. They say, change takes time and we have no time to waste. In the beginning of communicating with these consciousnesses, they said they were the Creator's Ace. Judging from people's reactions, from my own smells like truth. As more people interact with them, their frequencies will come out of the photo or video or slideshow and touch you. Once you are touched by their frequencies, your life begins to change, you begin to change, your life simplifies and you begin to make new choices. This ‘touch’ often feels like sudden heat or tingles. This ‘touch’ can’t be demanded or even asked for. Their orchestrations are from beyond a realm our human minds understand. They teach through experience and while I know what I know about them through experience and through the 15 years’ worth of channelings, there is still so much to learn. I know we have only touched the tip of this iceberg.
Before the pearles became visible, I was working in a chemical dependency center in Kodiak. They hired me because of my alternative healing background and told me to fill in any gaps I could see. I had a strong co-dependency education and had taught many classes about it while I was still stateside. Before I realized what was happening, I developed a program that incorporated co-dependency education with a book called Four Agreements (Miguel Ruiz) with astounding results. I also have 20 years of energy work under my belt and did energy work with these people and then I taught them how to do some basic energy work for themselves. The miracles were amazing and the situation was very fulfilling to participate in. While I was still in Alaska, I would run into some of the people I had taught at the center and they said the energy work impacted them more than anything. The groups of people I worked with had a higher success rate than those without these teachings. The pearles had given me a healing prayer language over these past 12 years. I had taught this language privately since 1995 throughout the states and when I explained how healing energy worked to these clients, they were ecstatic to learn more. And so I taught them what the pearles had taught me over the years in a beginner's format. I had no idea at that time, that they would show themselves visually all these years later. In the channelings they would talk about working with people with addictions. I had no idea they could cure addictions. These photos are so profound in their frequencies and beyond beautiful in their visual presentations. They speak of ‘soft power’ often. All these years later, I understand it more and more. They speak about the more that humanity interacts with them, the quicker transformation.
They speak frequently of laughter being the best medicine. After our initial shock wore off, often there is a bout of laughter that we have no control over. There were times when I would pass one photo after another to Gayla to see, we both find that it's all we can do to move our hands, to give or to take the picture from one another. I've been told angels communicate through laughter and it certainly feels like we are enveloped in huge angel wings.
One other oddity that we've consistently noticed was during the first week after I'd printed the photos, we realized the photos continue to develop their color intensities. There have been times when we were watching videos and the pearles in the videos had shifted significantly from the previous time we’d watched them. Living light is just that. Once a person has assimilated the blessings from that particular pearle, sometimes the photo will fade somewhat. At other times, the photos’ colors remain the same. In my current pods that I’ve had for over a year, they are all still prolific in their colorings. And then there’s the story for another time about the flyby from a UFO in Washington state. More often than not the energy confused photo printing machines to the point of overheating them, to the point of smoke in Sedona.
We have noticed that every essence of our lives have shifted for the better. Sometimes the process of getting to the ‘better’ made us think otherwise, but it always has wisdom in the orchestrations, even if our human minds don’t understand them all the time. The pods are a personal recipe into ascension. They have brought my shattered family back together after numerous years of separation. The healings have been incredible and that story will be for another writing as well. We can feel cellular shiftings, weight changes, body shape changes. Patterns we’ve had all our lives are changing and always for the better. All of a sudden my strong fear for bears was gone. I’m not afraid of heights any longer. I've been completely white headed for the past 10 years. About a month into this experience, my hair began rapidly turning shades of brown and gold, even with black and auburn hairs again. At this point, my hair is a unique pearley color with just about every color of hair represented on my head. We'll see where this one goes. Surprises have become a way of life.
In their presentation in the skies, they are showing us arial crop circles. I don't realize how many experiences we've had with them until I begin talking about them. It’s always so much easier when I’m asked questions, otherwise this Gemini tends to get a little wordy. :o)
When I began this adventure, I had never uploaded photos to my computer from a camera. I had never copied anything onto a cd. And I had never used any kind of program to make a slideshow, let alone a video. When I started taking videos with my camera is when I knew beyond a doubt that this was for real. Lens flare doesn’t pulse or move laterally or slide under my feet. Since then, we have footage of the pearles going underwater and then disappearing...and then a large plasma brings them back to the surface again and off in the air they go. The orange plasma then sped out into the middle of Lake Union. There are footages of these orbs being bombarded with other colorings. There are footages of them moving and weaving their grid weavings. I've seen them get as large as Barometer Mountain in Kodiak, perfectly shielding the gorgeous mountain. There is no doubt they pose. In their posing, they often point something out….like a perfect dragonfly in the middle or a perfect bald eagle. I've seen them around fish in the Ballard Lochs. I have photos of orbs in raindrops on my son's birthday. One of the most spectacular pearles showed up when I was on a frozen lake (January) in Montana near Glacier Park where I had lived as a young girl. I hadn’t been back there in 40 years. So many wonderful memories were there and then the rainbow pearle softly entered from the side of my viewfinder. They have given us brilliant light displays in the dark of night in the deep woods. They have came single file in through my bedroom winter on the eve of my Mayan birthday (Mayan astrology). And my son in laws’ life ended early in the morning on April 1 in 2007. Unbeknownst to me, I had been on the beach later that day taking photos - only rays showed up and one small turquoise light form. Later at his parent’s place, I saw a photo of him taken a year before his death, with a banner of rays on the left side of the photo, the same rays as I was taking photos of the day his life ended. I've seen the light rays bend and touching a fire on the beach. There are photos of a huge pearle, shielding a large spruce tree in a luscious green grass meadow with an beautiful bald eagle perched on the top of the tree. I didn’t see the eagle with my eyes, so was surprised when the pearle was point it out by enveloping it. There is a photo of two horseshoes in a pearle in a place where I was doing a personal photo shoot, unbeknownst to me that she used to ride horses in that very spot when she was young. Some photos have thousands of small pearles in them. We now know that we become portals for this energy to enter this plane of existence. Gayla's face is in one of the orange plasma photos. There is a eye shaped pearle that flew under my feet and gave me a spiritual buzz unlike anything I've ever felt. So many experiences and in the hindsights the teachings still come.
In the beginning, none of the photos had any kind of enhancement at all. About two years into the experience, I began to pull the color out with a slight touch of contract and a slight touch of brightness. At times there is a plasma type substance covering the whole photo. By removing the plasma, the photo comes alive. I’ve often felt that the plasma is a shield for the intensities of the energies before they are printed. I don’t use any special lenses. I copy the photos onto cd's and then I go back through them and pull the best ones and work from them when I make videos. The energy from the photos plays havoc with my computer more often than not. Working with live light has it’s challenges. Over the years, we’ve come to an agreement and it’s easier than it was these days. But making a video never goes smoothly and requires a whole days’ time to create. I sift through hundreds of photos to find the ‘gems’ that you see in the videos. The photos are of the ‘processes’ they go through to present the gem, so not each one of the 150,000 photos is gem quality. You can see in the photography that series of frequencies are built up and then presenting the gems and then the energy goes through the same process fading back down to only begin again. Always at the end of a photo shoot, there are more amazing shots than in the beginning. It’s as if their energy has to get a momentum going. My shoots usually last two hours each. The videos are the same way.
I've also have fairy footage and stills. They show up in the photos as very interesting geometries sometimes, hard to recognize as fairies as their talent at camoflauge is so profound, but their movements tell on them. Recently, I saw a fairy energy that looked like a reflection from a mirror in the sun. It was shaped like an elongated diamond shape. I thought it was a reflection of my beveled watch face in the sun. I moved my wrist around seeing if the ‘reflection’ would synchronize with my watch movements. No effect on the reflection as it continued to flit back and forth. I moved my camera a few times, still no effect. As soon as I realized it was a fairy it shot straight into a nearby bush. I’ve seen them pose as tree leaves, and in the middle of an early pearle. It’s amazing how many of the pearles have some type of camouflage ability to blend in with nature. Sometimes the rays will have a brown colored ray similar to a branch and if the eye doesn’t catch it, you’d never know. There are photos of an orb chasing a car ~ reminded me of the crazy dogs that chase cars...and then it came back to me. I've had many personal experiences with them that I intend to write about when time permits. They have so much personality and softness about them. Ever since these orbs/pearles came visibly into my life, my old life is gone and it seems I spend most of my time downloading photos from my camera to the computer and then putting them on cd's, always with lots of body heat sensations. When I look at the pictures, it is always so much like Christmas and I never know when something new is going to show up.
I apologize for the lack of information on the website. What was true in the beginning has more information added to it now. So I’ll be writing more soon. One thing that keeps coming around is that the pearles are about experience and we learn through the experience. There isn't much fodder for the mental body. But the information that is here is certainly intriguing. I’ll be writing again soon. Please check back to the website and check often on YouTube ( Holding still and trying to put into words, experiences that cannot be explained, that are so heart filled and profound is a challenge for this girl that likes to be in the deep woods. I also know that I have only begun. Only through experience, do you really ‘know’, any of the ancient peoples know that one. When you’ve been touched by them, there can be no denying. And no matter what anybody else tells you, no matter what their credentialing, you know there’s truth in the experience and that has been my teacher as well. As a consciousness, they are very big on not giving your power away. Once they touch you with their energy, your shift in consciousness begins. And that is how the wisdoms are gleaned and through this ‘touch’ is how they are going to play their part in transforming humanity. Just to be clear, there is a format to interact with them that I teach in the workshops for people who wish to work with the pods found on my website. I will soon have the procedure to purchase a pod verbalized so we can get this (light) party started.
In closing, I'd like to say I am just a simple 'girl' from the wildernesses of Montana and Alaska. I prefer the positions along the walls of any room, if you can capture me long enough to even get me in a room or building. I used to be shy and people who know me now have a hard time believing that one. I used to be afraid of the dark, because I could see these shapes moving close to me then. I prefer the beautiful beaches and the beautiful trails and nooks and crannies of the deep woods with my only companions being eagles and ravens, and times bear...and pearles ~ the more remote the better, the louder the silence the better,the closer the raven call the better. The further I am in nature, the more full the pearles are in their presentation. I believe in integrity and doing my best. I believe in true compassion for one another. This America world scares me with it's harshnesses. What happened to us??!!
My beloved Danish grandmother began teaching me some spiritual knowledges when I was small. Little did I know, her sharings would pave the way for the direction I was to travel in my lifetime. I've been a vessel for healing energies for over 30 years and have traveled and taught such for many years. These experiences are beyond my wildest dreams and I am most humbled. I’ve spent most of my life living amongst Native Americans, as native blood flows in my veins as well. One of my old native friends in Kodiak said I better take my camera back and get my money back after he’d seen the photos and mentioned something about LSD.
I have never known what WU was about before hand. Everything I've learned has been through steep trust and hindsight.. There is a day upcoming where I will be going through the 15 years’ worth of channeling and then I will really learn what these frequencies are about. WU has always been cutting edge, and it seems that isn't going to change. I have to say it's been extremely challenging and I quit a few times because I was weary, but in my bones... I know beyond a doubt that this is what I'm here to share with the world. I also have to say...I am thriving, my life is changing about as fast as I can keep up with, simplifying and then simplifying again. I am not typical or usual in many ways, and I guess I am indeed, just a wild woman with no intention of changing or conforming. Sorry mom.
These blessings that have found their way into my life astound me. I look at my pods every day, and each day I'm as astounded as the first day I saw them. Amazement has become a way of life and I think I like it! Pods are a collage type matting with multiple pearles in them that retain a laser type focus of frequency. These energies work with us from the pods during our sleep and during the day, but at night is when we travel the dimensions, shamaanah-ing our way back into wholeness, back into thrival. For the feminine does not war, the feminine heals and educates. It’s such an amazing and deep experience that I love to share with all who are interested in my work. We will be adding a subscription button soon for those who wish to keep up with the unfoldments.
I have resided on Kodiak Island, in Alaska since 1999. I am a connoisseur of deep Nature and am dedicated to the expansion of personal and planetary consciousness which is why I came to the states again. There’s a deep place in my heart where I can still smell the air in my Kodiak bay on a early sunny morning in the summertime, feel the seaweed and clam shells under my feet on the beach, hear that raven fluently speaking words to me, sacred words, the wind caressing my body as I move down that beloved beach, and when I look down at the sand on the beach…there is a heart shaped rock…again. And with Raven’s approval & encouragement…I remain south.
Deep peace to you my friend
Pearley Sky
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions