Welcome to the beauty of Heart Lights:

Our planet and species is vibrating faster and faster. All potentials exist in this continuous tipping point we find ourselves involved in. Collectively, we are coming into synergy with our higher purpose of anchoring Heaven on Urth.

In our experience with these gentle Heart Lights, an engendering deep love reaches far beyond words and deep within our being. These benevolent beings guide us into alignment with the Great Shift into Thrival.

I have been engaged with a living light language for the past 15 years which has evoked a response from the Universe. We have been engaged in quantum teachings through experience. We have learned that striving to comprehend them with our mind remains fruitless. Their intent is to place unto our life missions in this incarnation. We find ourselves on a fast track to this end. I was enveloped by the frequencies the living light language imbibes into my being for many years, allowing the teachings to be assimilated and taught. In the 12th year, the beings who delivered the living light language became visible through my photography. I can see them with my naked eye and behind my eyelids. Those of us that have been involved in the living light language have become portals for these frequencies to anchor in our dimension. They affect the elements & devic kingdoms first. These kingdoms are assisting in our process through their pristine elemental nature. So many years of information apply here.

I offer my life work here. I love to share my photography and teachings. I hope you enjoy it as well.

Monday, June 15, 2009




As heart lights, we are a source of advanced light energy. The work you have done with the calendar and with our frequencies called WU enable you to reverberate with our frequencies therefore you are able to perceive us through your camera as well as your naked eye. We communicate with you through an energy exchange when you find yourself gazing upon our beauteous natures. This encoded energy exchange is received into your energy field to be accessed when you are ready. In your commitment to advance, we avail to you higher frequency information to assist you in your forward movement.

They share that universally, light alters every vibrational frequency that it touches. Quaintly, Light carries information. Information expands systems so that outdated frequencies in the old systems disintegrate. As light moves to dissolve such outmoded frequencies, it also births new systems in the rich substance it leaves behind. A new order is birthed.

As you have ceased to struggle with the idea that others need to understand, you have settled comfortably into the knowledge of the power of experience. For all true knowledge lending itself to true wisdom is gleaned through experience. We are masters at providing the appropriate experience to catalyze your forward movement into becoming that which you are destined to recover, to re-integrate. We shall call you into the steps pertaining solely/soully to your mission. Being in nature is the path to your mission and when you find yourself in nature, you are activating encodements of your mission’s perfection.

To address those people who see orbs in their photography, we ask you, do you ever stop and watch to see what they might do? Even those in the larger media television & movie industries find that colourations appear in their photography and in their haste to focus on their project’s motives, indeed miss an opportunity that is much more vital for the multitudes to witness than the project their cameras are focused upon. Opportunities missed in such a large arena is a blight of the human condition for the potential exists to awaken multitudes.

Upon this one called SkywaMoon, we indeed commend as availing herself, her embodiment to become a portal for our entrances. For we constitute a great array of universal intelligences. Each time this one focuses her camera on our frequencies, there are thousands upon thousands of light intelligences that enter this urth plane. Some cannot be seen with the naked eye, nor through a camera lens. Some are very small and some are very large. A whole range of ‘size’ is presented and some of the most powerful frequencies come in small packages. The intention of these intelligences is to provide the pathway, to light the way for the masses to begin to shift within their being, as to assist the great shift within the being of Gaia, who is in turn assisting in the great shift of her solar system. So pivotal are you in your earthen bodies in the hub of this wheel.

Once you have been ‘touched’ by our frequencies, you shall find that you seek portals of the earth. You can be in a portal without consciously realizing it, for the realization of the fact does not matter. As you enter a portal of higher earth or celestial frequency, you imbibe this frequency as to become this frequency. Like a moth drawn to the light, so too shall you be drawn to portals. For those who proceed with the pod work, and the future offering of pods in the format of dvd’s, you shall assist this light process, this light decree in becoming a portal yourself, as has the one called SkywaMoon. The process has begun and with the cataloguing of over 150,000 photos in Sky’s library, indeed, the process has begun.

For those who inquire to work with our frequencies through our gatekeeper, you shall experience our frequencies addressing you when you are in nature as waves of beauty. Beauty beyond words you shall experience and in this experience your frequencies is elevated and anchored. You shall notice the consistency in experience where this feeling shall be so encompassing that you will want to remain immersed within it’s fields. It is not uncommon to feel a deep love and awe in these experiences…again anchoring within your being. For indeed you shall begin with nature and transfer this recalibrated personal template into your interactions with other humans. This recalibrated vibratory nature has the potential to catalyze this planet into it’s next evolutionary phase, including the human potential who has succeeded in catalyzing themselves into their divine natures which shall be utilized in this great shift. This process as we have shared for the past 15 years, is very simple and very complex. We orchestrate the simplicities while we attend to the details of complexity.

Many of these frequency upgrades shall begin with you being in nature. If you do not have nature at your fingertips or within reach, we bless you for indeed, you can gaze your eyes upon a photo of beauty, including the podwork that Sky offers in her work. The process begins with you fully noticing the incredible beauty of an area that will keep you captivated for a time. Allow this ‘time of captivation’ to expend itself in it’s own natural timing

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